Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Pulling up weeds.

Going inward is a lonely place isn't it? And yet we run there so quickly don't we? I think we actually beam ourselves there in the speed of light - no sassy footwear needed. And I think we do it so quickly and so habitually - that we don't realize this inward lonely place has become our frequent watering hole. Expecting to find something refreshing with which to wash down our woes, we run inside our own thoughts of why it is so bad for us, why it isn't for someone else, and what could we ever possibly do to change those circumstances. Actually, that last thought about trying to change our circumstances - THAT one would only come on maybe a half bad day - like maybe the circumstances stunk, but at least your hair turned out okay, right? Cuz usually - from an inward view - .there's just plumb. no. way. out. Are you feeling like a dark cloud is hovering right about now? Yeah - let's get out of here!

My mom - a bright ray of sunshine on any day - said something to me once upon a tear filled day when I ran to her hoping to have my wounds nursed - but instead got some hard truth to suck on.

She said, "Laura Jean - (that means this is serious) , it is always better to work in someone else's garden."

"What? What was that? You've got to be kidding me right now. You're going to talk to me about weed pulling for someone else when I have this gargantuan vine of thorns around my neck just sucking all 26 years of life out of me?"

"Yes, dear. I am."

I left. I couldn't take anymore of her metaphors - because well -in truth - she had said all I needed to hear. I was feeling so sorry for myself - and what I really needed to do - was focus on another person's circumstances and try to make life lovely for them. I hate when she is right. And then again - I count on it.

"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." - Jesus before he went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray for you and me.

Outward focus. SO loud and clear, and yet we miss it. "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends.(husband, mother, siblings, mother-in-law, children, neighbor, room mate, co-workers... - all included)" John 15. That's love we get to live in. walk in. soak up. and give away.

Growing in truth with you. And grateful I get to.

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