Friday, February 24, 2012

I want more.

Have you ever heard someone offer a strong word of encouragement, teaching, or correction and leave that word with you unsupported by a foundation of truth? Truth being the Word of God. Or have you heard someone offer a strong word of encouragement, teaching, or correction and USE the Word of God - but use it completely out of context? I have - often, in fact - I have heard myself do it. YUK!

So do you JUST want a verse with that?

I want more. I need more. Don't just give me the verse. Don't just give me the context. I need the voice of our God walking me through this learning in the ONE on ONE relationship I get to have with Him in this life - By His Spirit.

Even. Even. EVEN your best logic cannot surpass the VOICE of God through His Word in our decision making. You know? Well this is right - because__________. This is wrong because____________. That way of thinking cannot compare to The Word of God that teaches us wisdom beyond reason.

Abraham left his family to go where God would lead him. I should do it then, right?

Rahab lied about the spies she was hiding. I should do it then, right?

David had more than one spouse. I should do it then, right?

Paul remained single. I should do it then, right?

Paul also made a vow and shaved off his hair to mark the end of it. I should do it then, right?

My friends are going to Israel. I should do it then, right?

Some of my friends are going on a missions trip to the Dominican. I should do it then, right?

My doctor prescribed me pills to calm my nerves when flying in an airplane. I should do it then, right?

What does God want me to do in this life that I have been given FOR HIS PURPOSES to bring Him glory?

Right. Wrong. Everything in the way we live is not about a law. Everything in the way we live is about glorifying God. And God will not leave us without His help, His instruction, His Spirit to guide us. Will we seek Him? He will answer. And we will not always feel good about the response. We will, however, be blessed. Romans 8.

How critical then is the pivotal point on which we turn our lives to God - embrace - and serve Christ! I Thessalonians 1:9. Our responsibility as hearers and doers of the Word does not rest exclusively on the teacher, although, ABSOLUTELY, our teachers hold great purpose in our learning, which is why James said not many should want to be teachers (James 3:1). To whom much is given - MUCH MUCH MORE is required (Luke 12:48). Jesus was speaking of the Word given to the Servant by His Master. Read this when you get a chance - the whole context of it Luke 12. And ask God to show you wonderful things from this passage. He will. Because in TRUTH - as it was and always will be - the most critical point in our learning - and life change - life purpose - is based on our own relationship with the Father - who is faithful to teach us HIMSELF - when we seek Him with our whole heart, our whole mind, and all of our strength (Deut. 4:29).

Deuteronomy 4! Oh my soul, please study this chapter. How clear the love of the Father - to His people - to us - as He speaks through Moses about how obedience to God's laws shows WISDOM and understanding to the nations. And Moses - who heard for HIMSELF - the voice of God was not allowed to enter the promised land because he did not obey what God spoke to him. "From heaven he made you hear his voice to discipline you...because He loved you." Deuteronomy 4:36-37

God has not left us without a way to hear His voice. The commands were not enough. They were not intended to be - only a teacher to help us process - synthesize - how lost we are without the way of Christ, the voice of the Spirit, the Life of our eternal God.

I make no decision based on my own feelings, my own understanding, my own ability. This was my past, and this way of living was my greatest downfall. Jesus has taught me a new way of life; LIFE that is in Him. To Follow Him - what He would do; to listen to His Voice of Truth spoken by the Spirit; to experience full life that I was made to realize.

Every decision that breeds opportunity to glorify God in my skin - in my life as a whole - whatever I eat, drink or whatever I do - I do it all with one thought...WILL THIS GLORIFY GOD? I Corinthians 10:31 AND that answer - THAT answer - does not - could not - will not EVER. EVER. come from me.

Hear me softly, and low before you, and in love - The question is not: IS IT RIGHT? NOT: IS IT WRONG. That way of thinking is NOT consistent with the whole Word of God. Consider not just the law - but the Spirit of the Law. The Spirit of the Law speaks to the truth that we are not our own. The Spirit of the Law says I do not act without consideration of THE KING - the ONE my life represents and is subject to. The Spirit of the Law expresses this life is not about me.

So, consider not just the teachings of Moses that were given to point to our sinful nature and need of a Savior. I don't even keep ALL of those - do you? Do you honestly keep the Sabbath as was taught by God through Moses in the book of Exodus? (31:14-15, 35:2-3) Jesus didn't even keep the Sabbath according to Jewish law! (Luke 13) He directed us to the Spirit of the Law. Consider the totality of the teachings of Christ who said, "The Spirit will lead you in all truth. He speaks not on His own; - (even the Spirit of God does not go with his gut - how he feels - how he thinks!) He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is to come. He will glorify ME because it (TRUTH) is from me that He will receive and make known to you." John 16:13-14...yeah - I'm asking you to check out that whole passage, too. You'll love it...and if you really want a great study time on this whole idea of being led by the Spirit of God start at chapter 14 and read to chapter 17. Then follow Jesus from His point of arrest in John 18 and the few words God directed him to speak before Pilate. You won't be able to stop there because the Spirit of God remained with Him as He was crucified, and would not release Him until it was finished..."With that he bowed his head and gave up his spirit." John 19:30. Spirit way. Spirit truth. Spirit life. And that life got up from the grave in 3 days! Yeah. You'll want to read on.

As I process all the significance of the gift of Christ - the Spirit of God in my life on this earth until death, and then up from the grave - the significance of having His Word in my heart - memorized - familiar to me moment by moment - as familiar as a recipe we have been nourished by for years, or the way to my mother's house where love is always found ... I am moved to tears. I want more than just a verse. I want the voice of God - speaking to me directly - so that my resolve to live for God - IS CHRIST. Philippians 1:21. Christ alone. Not what I think is right. Not what I think is wrong. But The Savior who is neither. I want to reflect the Savior who is THE GREAT I AM.

I am so Grateful you are with me. It is a gift to worship Him with you. Please pray for me. I struggle in this stuff called flesh. I will pray for you, too. God is faithful. And oh so patient! We will hear Him - and we do hear Him - for His purposes. "'It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be MY WITNESSES in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth'....this Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back..." Acts 1:7-11

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