Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Snake. Why am I surprised?

Early wake up call this morning. About 6:30 a.m. my girly-girl is up to greet the day with me. I am an early riser - and she is never far behind me. We enjoyed the beautiful sunrise crafted by our artistic Creator, and together bounded upstairs to get ready for the day.

She had been in her room for a few moments rummaging through her closet looking for a shirt that would match the sky she had just admired, and then she was at my side as I rummaged through my own closet.
"Mommy, " she said.
"Yes.." I replied.
"Did you see the notes in my folder about the Anaconda?"
"Yes. I did. I left them there because I thought you might need them for your research paper." (It's research week in her third grade class.)
"Did you read them?"
"No. Did you want me to?"
"Well, I want to read to you one really cool fact that has me totally freaked out." She disappeared with a bounce and was back at my side just as quickly and enthusiastically. "You gotta hear this: (Oh my heart! If I had only known what I would hear next.) "The male Anaconda mates with the female by sliding along her body until their two openings come together."


She looked up at me. I am telling you, my friends, a conversation took place between my child's eyes and my own that I thought would take place one day- but that I had not imagined - or anticipated what that silent language would sound like in my heart and in my mind - locked with hers - my girl - my child - my heart song. She locked eyes with me and asked a question with those sparkling emeralds that my own eyes answered without a sound. I confirmed without wanting to confirm, and she knew. I saw the light of understanding come across those green eyes and ignite a smile. She exhaled and stayed locked in on me. I asked her - now with words - choosing oh so carefully what those words might be, "What do you think those openings might be?"

She replied, so trusting - so completely unafraid to let me in on her own secret ponderings (thankyouGod!) "I think they are their mouths and their cha-chas." (definition of cha-cha: private part. I know, silly, but it has worked for now.)

"Kamryn," I said, "you are very smart, and I think you are right." She smiled at me, looked down at her paper and shook her head with such delight in herself - in her understanding.

It was a precious awakening, and yet I wanted to cry. "You know!" I thought to myself. "You know!" my heart sobbed inside. That snake taught you something that I was not ready for you to know, and won't that be the way it always is?

Oh my little girl, I love to learn alongside of you! Your innocent perspective is precious to me, and I will handle it with care as your eyes are opened to the truth of God's gift of sex. Satan has plotted since before you were born to rob women of the beauty of God's design for sex in marriage. But God, my baby - But God! He is far wiser than the Snake he created! And so - And so - And SO - (strong resolve!) with your hand in mine - I will walk closely with you clinging to God's Truth in all of our conversations, drawing your attention to Him - His Creative Design that surrounds us from dusk until dawn. I will not fear the lessons of the dark that you have yet to realize, but, my girl, I will shine God's Light on them with you, so that you can embrace TRUTH, and not be ignorant of it. God is faithful! He will see to it that you, my daughter, will be armed with everything you need to answer - on your own - what the snake whispers to deceive your heart.

"I have loved you with an everlasting love; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you. Jeremiah 31:3 I drew them with gentle cords, with bands of love. Hosea 11:4 I (Jesus), if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself. John 12:32 Behold the Lamb of God! John 1:36 As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life." John 3:14-15

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